Pressure Products, Inc., provides design, engineering, fabrication, repair, reconditioning and field services to petrochemical, industrial, commercial and processing companies.
PPI is an ASME Section VIII, Division 1 Code shop and is an approved vendor for numerous major corporations. Our engineer has over forty years experience in design and fabrication of ASME pressure vessels in materials ranging from 1/8 inch to 11 inches thick in both carbon and stainless steel.
Our On-Site Capabilities
We are proficient in the use of 3D modeling design of ASME pressure vessels, often providing services on a contract basis for vessels and piping systems. We utilize CREO & Solidworks and SolidEdge software, depending on customer needs.
We can usually accommodate RUSH and quick delivery items, depending upon complexity and material availability.
Shop Capacity and Capabilities:
- Torch Operators
- Plate Roll Operators
- Shop Helpers and Painters
- Lift Capacity:
- 60,000 Pounds Overhead and More Available with Supplemental Equipment
- Hook height 24 feet
- 6000 Pound Fork Truck
- Dimensional Capacities:
- Outside diameter: 156 inches
- Length: 50 feet plus
- Thickness: 3 inches plus
- Plate Rolling Capacity:
- 1/2 inch thick by 10 feet
- Turning Rolls Capacity:
- 120,000 Pound Capacity
- Multiple types of welding available:
- SMAW (Stick) 3 Low Hydrogen (Stainless Steel)
- GTAW (Tig) 1 All ferrous and non-ferrous alloys (Stainless Steel)
- GMAW/FCAW 8 Ferrous and non-ferrous alloys (Stainless Steel)
- SAW 5 Ferrous alloy and Stainless Steel